Hello All,
Few days back , we encountered an error while starting Concurrent Managers ;
Here is the log file [segment]
Error :
Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process. Contact your system administ : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Starting PASMGR Concurrent Manager : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Routine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting concurrent manager PASMGR with library /m03/DEV/apps/apps_st/appl/pa/12.0.0/bin/PALIBR.
Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process. Contact your system administrato : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Process monitor session ended : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Process monitor session started : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33
Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_APPSDBA1_DEV. The TNS alias could not be located, the listener process on APPSDBA1 could not be contacted, or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.
Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_APPSDBA_DEV. The TNS alias could not be located, the listener process on APPSDBA could not be contacted, or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.
Starting RCVOLTM Concurrent Manager : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33CONC-SM TNS FAILRoutine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting concurrent manager RCVOLTM with library /u03/DEV/apps/apps_st/appl/po/12.0.0/bin/RCVOLTM.
Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process.
Contact your system administra : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33
Starting PODAMGR Concurrent Manager : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33CONC-SM TNS FAIL
Cause :
Some of the libraries of FNDSM/FNDLIBR must be missing or corrupted.
Solution :
1] Shutdown all the services.
2] Log in as applmgrcd to $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql
Run the script: afdcm037.sql
3] Relink FNDSM and FNDLIBR executables as mentioned below:
$ adrelink.sh force=y link_debug=y "fnd FNDLIBR"
$ adrelink.sh force=y link_debug=y "fnd FNDSM"
4] Run cmclean.sql
5] Start up the Services and retest.
Refer :
Metalink note-id : 460578.1 , 555081.1