Error :
**Starts**14-SEP-2009 16:45:36
ORACLE error 20100 in FDPSTP
FDPSTP failed due to ORA-20100: Error: FND_FILE failure. Unable to create file, oklslagl.tmp in the directory, [/usr/tmp].
You will find more information in the request log.
ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FILE", line 417
Cause :
Unable to create the [filename].tmp in [/usr/tmp] directory.
Solution :
>> Login into the Database Node.
>> Check for the init[SID].ora file
>> Check whether we have [/usr/tmp] listed in the utl_file_dir parameter
>> OR check for the permissions on [/usr/tmp]
>> Check whether the file named "oklslagl.tmp" already exist in [ /usr/tmp ]
If yes , Then either remove them or move them to some other temporary directory.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
[ Read Me ] Concurrent Processing / System Administration Scripts
213021.1 Concurrent Processing (CP) / APPS Reporting Scripts
1] CMCLEAN.sql >> Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables
2] How To Re-create Concurrent Manager Views
3] CCM.sql >> Concurrent Manager Check Script
4] >> Concurrent Manager Check Script
5] ICMLOG.sql >> Internal Manager Log Script
6] REQCHECK.sql >> Concurrent Request Check Script
7] ANALYZEPENDING.sql >> Analyze Pending Requests Script
8] ANALYZEREQ.sql >> Analyze Request Script
9] WHOCANRUN.sql >> Who Can Run which Requests
10] >> Concurrent Request Diagnostic Script
11] bde_request.sql >> Concurrent Request Diagnostic Script
12] >> Printing Script
13] >> Report Review Agent Script
14] CMLOGS.txt >> Concurrent Request Log Script
214088.1 Oracle Applications System Administration Scripts
1] Performance Troubleshooting Chart
2] Locks for given Session ID >> bde_session_locks.sql
3] Validates and Rebuilds Fragmentated Indexes >> bde_rebuild.sql
4] Analyze Indexes to determine Fragmentation >> bde_analyze_indexes.sql
5] Current, Required and Recommended Apps 11i init.ora params >> bde_chk_cbo.sql
6] Simple Explain Plan for given SQL Statement >> bde_x.sql
7] Expensive SQL and Resources Utilization for a Given Session ID >> bde_session.sql
8] Verifies Statistics for all Installed Apps Modules 11.5 >> bde_last_analyzed.sql
9] Changes CBO Stats Selectivity for a Given Index and Column >> bde_chg_stats.sql
10] Clone Views Across Instances for SQL Tuning Exercises >> coe_view.sql
11] Trace Apps Online Transactions with Event 10046 >> coe_trace.sql
12] Automate CBO Stats Gathering >> coe_stats.sql
13] Top 10 Expensive SQL from SQL Area >> coe_sqlarea.sql
14] SQL Tracing online transactions using Event 10046 >> coe_event_10046.sql
15] Session and Serial# for Locked Rows >> coe_locks.sql
16] Import CBO Stats from COE_STATTAB_XYZ >> coe_import_stattab.sql
17] Enhanced Explain Plan for given SQL Statement >> SQLTXPLAIN.sql
18] Active Users executing FORMs or Conc Programs >> FNDFindActiveUsers115.sql
19] Enhanced Explain Plan for given SQL Statement >> bde_system_event_10046.sql , TRCANLZR.sql
Please refer the mentioned Metalink note-ids and download the scripts
1] CMCLEAN.sql >> Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables
2] How To Re-create Concurrent Manager Views
3] CCM.sql >> Concurrent Manager Check Script
4] >> Concurrent Manager Check Script
5] ICMLOG.sql >> Internal Manager Log Script
6] REQCHECK.sql >> Concurrent Request Check Script
7] ANALYZEPENDING.sql >> Analyze Pending Requests Script
8] ANALYZEREQ.sql >> Analyze Request Script
9] WHOCANRUN.sql >> Who Can Run which Requests
10] >> Concurrent Request Diagnostic Script
11] bde_request.sql >> Concurrent Request Diagnostic Script
12] >> Printing Script
13] >> Report Review Agent Script
14] CMLOGS.txt >> Concurrent Request Log Script
214088.1 Oracle Applications System Administration Scripts
1] Performance Troubleshooting Chart
2] Locks for given Session ID >> bde_session_locks.sql
3] Validates and Rebuilds Fragmentated Indexes >> bde_rebuild.sql
4] Analyze Indexes to determine Fragmentation >> bde_analyze_indexes.sql
5] Current, Required and Recommended Apps 11i init.ora params >> bde_chk_cbo.sql
6] Simple Explain Plan for given SQL Statement >> bde_x.sql
7] Expensive SQL and Resources Utilization for a Given Session ID >> bde_session.sql
8] Verifies Statistics for all Installed Apps Modules 11.5 >> bde_last_analyzed.sql
9] Changes CBO Stats Selectivity for a Given Index and Column >> bde_chg_stats.sql
10] Clone Views Across Instances for SQL Tuning Exercises >> coe_view.sql
11] Trace Apps Online Transactions with Event 10046 >> coe_trace.sql
12] Automate CBO Stats Gathering >> coe_stats.sql
13] Top 10 Expensive SQL from SQL Area >> coe_sqlarea.sql
14] SQL Tracing online transactions using Event 10046 >> coe_event_10046.sql
15] Session and Serial# for Locked Rows >> coe_locks.sql
16] Import CBO Stats from COE_STATTAB_XYZ >> coe_import_stattab.sql
17] Enhanced Explain Plan for given SQL Statement >> SQLTXPLAIN.sql
18] Active Users executing FORMs or Conc Programs >> FNDFindActiveUsers115.sql
19] Enhanced Explain Plan for given SQL Statement >> bde_system_event_10046.sql , TRCANLZR.sql
Please refer the mentioned Metalink note-ids and download the scripts
Friday, September 18, 2009
[Issue] ora-00600 : internal error code, arguments: [kkdogty01], [], []
Hello All,
During our daily health check , we found ora-00600 error in our alert.log
Errors in file /m02/oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_server1/udump/prod_ora_8960.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkdogty01], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
The error means that the function kkdogty got a null pointer instead of a proper pointer to the object OID.
If a Third Party tool is being used, bad connection can cause the error.
In our case, TOAD was used to run a SQL which produced the error.
If a Third Party tool is used, stop all third party connections and
check if problem is reproducible from a SQL*Plus session.
If this error can be reproduced using SQLPLUS, then please log a Service Request
and upload the related trace files to Oracle Support Service for further analysis.
Otherwise, check configuration and usage of third party application.
Refer : 279869.1 [ Metalink Note-ID ]
During our daily health check , we found ora-00600 error in our alert.log
Errors in file /m02/oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_server1/udump/prod_ora_8960.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkdogty01], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
The error means that the function kkdogty got a null pointer instead of a proper pointer to the object OID.
If a Third Party tool is being used, bad connection can cause the error.
In our case, TOAD was used to run a SQL which produced the error.
If a Third Party tool is used, stop all third party connections and
check if problem is reproducible from a SQL*Plus session.
If this error can be reproduced using SQLPLUS, then please log a Service Request
and upload the related trace files to Oracle Support Service for further analysis.
Otherwise, check configuration and usage of third party application.
Refer : 279869.1 [ Metalink Note-ID ]
Monday, September 14, 2009
[ How To ] Change The Password For The SYSADMIN User --
1. Keep all services running.
2. Login via the OS level by way of the applmgr user.
3. Run your environment scripts
a. cd $APPL_TOP
b. run APPSORA.env
c. the above should also run /sid>/sid>/>/sid>/>/>>/>/sid>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/sid>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/sid>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/sid>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/sid>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/sid>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>_ /node>/node>/>/node>/>/>>/>/node>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/node>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/node>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/node>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/node>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/node>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>.env, but you can verify by running it.
d. cd admin
e. run adovars.env
4. cd $FND_TOP/bin
5. Run FNDCPASS to change the SYSADMIN password (IMPORTANT: Change ONLY the SYSADMIN password)
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER SYSADMIN /new>/new>/>/new>/>/>>/>/new>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/new>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/new>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/new>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/new>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/new>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>
6. Restart the Apache, Forms, Reports, 8.0.6 listener and concurrent manager services.
7. To test, login into the applications as the SYSADMIN user and the new password.
8. Verify that a concurrent program such as Active Users runs.
Refer : 423274.1 -- Metalink Note-ID
2. Login via the OS level by way of the applmgr user.
3. Run your environment scripts
a. cd $APPL_TOP
b. run APPSORA.env
c. the above should also run
d. cd admin
e. run adovars.env
4. cd $FND_TOP/bin
5. Run FNDCPASS to change the SYSADMIN password (IMPORTANT: Change ONLY the SYSADMIN password)
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER SYSADMIN
6. Restart the Apache, Forms, Reports, 8.0.6 listener and concurrent manager services.
7. To test, login into the applications as the SYSADMIN user and the new password.
8. Verify that a concurrent program such as Active Users runs.
Refer : 423274.1 -- Metalink Note-ID
[Read Me] What happens when we execute COMMIT statement
1] When we say commit; all that happens physically is that LGWR flushes the log buffer to Disk.
DBWR does absolutely nothing.
2] To make a transaction durable, all that is necessary the changes that make up the transaction be on disk; there is no need whatsoever for the actual data to be on the Disk.
3] LGWR writes in very nearly real time, virtually all the transactions changes are on disk already.
4] When LGWR process is ON, the session hangs till it completes the process.
5] After the process is completed , session is then free to continue and from then on all other sessions will no longer be directed to the undo blocks when they address the changed table, unless the principle of consistency requires it.
Note : In normal running , DBWR writes only a few dirty only a few dirty buffers to disk ; when a check point is signaled it writes all dirty buffers to disk.
DBWR does absolutely nothing.
2] To make a transaction durable, all that is necessary the changes that make up the transaction be on disk; there is no need whatsoever for the actual data to be on the Disk.
3] LGWR writes in very nearly real time, virtually all the transactions changes are on disk already.
4] When LGWR process is ON, the session hangs till it completes the process.
5] After the process is completed , session is then free to continue and from then on all other sessions will no longer be directed to the undo blocks when they address the changed table, unless the principle of consistency requires it.
Note : In normal running , DBWR writes only a few dirty only a few dirty buffers to disk ; when a check point is signaled it writes all dirty buffers to disk.
[Read Me] What happens when we execute ROLLBACK statement
1] If the session that initiated the transaction fails {n/w down , user process reboots} – PMON will rollback.
2] If the Server reboots then on startup SMON will detect and rollback.
3] Mechanism:
Update: The pre-update version is the columns are copied from the undo block to table blocks.
4] Insert: Oracle retrieves the rowid of the inserted row from the undo block and uses it as the key for a delete on a table.
5] Delete: Oracle constructs a complete insert statement from the data in the undo block.
Note: A Rollback will itself generate more redo as it executes , perhaps rather more than the original statement.
2] If the Server reboots then on startup SMON will detect and rollback.
3] Mechanism:
Update: The pre-update version is the columns are copied from the undo block to table blocks.
4] Insert: Oracle retrieves the rowid of the inserted row from the undo block and uses it as the key for a delete on a table.
5] Delete: Oracle constructs a complete insert statement from the data in the undo block.
Note: A Rollback will itself generate more redo as it executes , perhaps rather more than the original statement.
[Read Me] What happens when we execute INSERT and DELETE statements
1] Insert and Delete are managed in the same fashion as an Update. Redo generation is exactly the same: all the changes to be made to data and undo blocks are first written out to the log buffer.
2] The difference is in the amount of Undo generated. When a row is inserted, the only Undo generated consists of writing out of the new rowid to the undo block. This is because to rollback an Insert the only information Oracle requires is the rowid.
For DELETE: The whole row is written to the undo block, so that the deletion can be rolled back if need by inserting the complete row back into the table.
2] The difference is in the amount of Undo generated. When a row is inserted, the only Undo generated consists of writing out of the new rowid to the undo block. This is because to rollback an Insert the only information Oracle requires is the rowid.
For DELETE: The whole row is written to the undo block, so that the deletion can be rolled back if need by inserting the complete row back into the table.
[Read Me] What happens when we execute UPDATE statement
Hello All,
I was just curious about what exactly happens when we execute "Update" statement.... I found the answer in one of the Oracle Fundamentals ...
Here we go...
1] For any DML operation ; it is necessary to work on both data blocks and undo blocks and also regenerate redo A , C & I of the ACID test require generation of UNDO ; the UNDO segment is just another segment.
2] First step is same as the execution of select command {only diff is empty block of UNDO segment is required}
3] First , locks must be placed on any rows and associated index keys that will be affected by the operation.
4] Then the redo is regenerated: the server process writes to the log buffer the changes that are going to be applied to the data blocks.
5] This generation of redo Is applied to both table block changes and undo block changes : if a column is to be updated the new value of the column is written to the log buffer { which is the change that will be applied to the table block } and also the old value { which is the change that will be applied to the undo block}.
6] If the column I part of an index key , then the changes to be applied to the index are also written to the log buffer , together with an undo block change to protect the index changes.
7] Having generated the redo, the update is carried out in the DB buffer cache : the block of the table is updated with the new version of the changed column and the old version of the changed column is written to the block of an undo segment.
8] From this point until the update is committed, all queries from other sessions addressing the changed row will be redirected to the undo data.
9] Only the session this is doing the update will see the actual current version of the row in the table block. The same principle applies to any associated index changes.
I was just curious about what exactly happens when we execute "Update" statement.... I found the answer in one of the Oracle Fundamentals ...
Here we go...
1] For any DML operation ; it is necessary to work on both data blocks and undo blocks and also regenerate redo A , C & I of the ACID test require generation of UNDO ; the UNDO segment is just another segment.
2] First step is same as the execution of select command {only diff is empty block of UNDO segment is required}
3] First , locks must be placed on any rows and associated index keys that will be affected by the operation.
4] Then the redo is regenerated: the server process writes to the log buffer the changes that are going to be applied to the data blocks.
5] This generation of redo Is applied to both table block changes and undo block changes : if a column is to be updated the new value of the column is written to the log buffer { which is the change that will be applied to the table block } and also the old value { which is the change that will be applied to the undo block}.
6] If the column I part of an index key , then the changes to be applied to the index are also written to the log buffer , together with an undo block change to protect the index changes.
7] Having generated the redo, the update is carried out in the DB buffer cache : the block of the table is updated with the new version of the changed column and the old version of the changed column is written to the block of an undo segment.
8] From this point until the update is committed, all queries from other sessions addressing the changed row will be redirected to the undo data.
9] Only the session this is doing the update will see the actual current version of the row in the table block. The same principle applies to any associated index changes.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
[ How To ] Reset / Unlock the orcladmin password
Recently while upgrading our Discoverer to [ +CP4 ] , we encountered / or got stuck in one of the step.
One of the step asks for orcladmin password which was not known to us.
So , we need to reset that password :
Here are the steps which we followed ;
orcladmin password lost or account locked
orcladmin password not known to us.
Solution :
Step 1] Login as OAS user [ here testbi ] and
sqlplus "/as sysdba"
SQL>> alter user ODS identified by [new password] /new>
Step 2] Execute $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidpasswd create_wallet=true
Step 3] oidpasswd connect=[connect string] change_oiddb_pwd=true
This will prompt us for old password and new password.
old password you can give the same as ODS user and unique new password.
Step 4] To unlock the orcladmin account :
oidpasswd connect=[connect string] unlock_su_acct=trueThis will prompt for password ; enter the ODS password.Which will inturn unlock your orcladmin account.
Step 5] To reset the password :
oidpasswd connect=[connect string] reset_su_password=true
This will prompt for new password. [keep the password same as ODS user.]
and your are done.
You have successfully changed the orcladmin password.
Now, to test the password :
cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidadmin
The window will prompt for orcladmin password.
Refer :
One of the step asks for orcladmin password which was not known to us.
So , we need to reset that password :
Here are the steps which we followed ;
orcladmin password lost or account locked
orcladmin password not known to us.
Solution :
Step 1] Login as OAS user [ here testbi ] and
sqlplus "/as sysdba"
SQL>> alter user ODS identified by [new password]
Step 2] Execute $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidpasswd create_wallet=true
Step 3] oidpasswd connect=[connect string] change_oiddb_pwd=true
This will prompt us for old password and new password.
old password you can give the same as ODS user and unique new password.
Step 4] To unlock the orcladmin account :
oidpasswd connect=[connect string] unlock_su_acct=trueThis will prompt for password ; enter the ODS password.Which will inturn unlock your orcladmin account.
Step 5] To reset the password :
oidpasswd connect=[connect string] reset_su_password=true
This will prompt for new password. [keep the password same as ODS user.]
and your are done.
You have successfully changed the orcladmin password.
Now, to test the password :
cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidadmin
The window will prompt for orcladmin password.
Refer :
Friday, August 21, 2009
[ Issue ] Concurrent Manager startup errors out
Hello All,
Few days back , we encountered an error while starting Concurrent Managers ;
Here is the log file [segment]
Error :
Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process. Contact your system administ : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Starting PASMGR Concurrent Manager : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Routine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting concurrent manager PASMGR with library /m03/DEV/apps/apps_st/appl/pa/12.0.0/bin/PALIBR.
Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process. Contact your system administrato : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Process monitor session ended : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Process monitor session started : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33
Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_APPSDBA1_DEV. The TNS alias could not be located, the listener process on APPSDBA1 could not be contacted, or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.
Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_APPSDBA_DEV. The TNS alias could not be located, the listener process on APPSDBA could not be contacted, or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.
Starting RCVOLTM Concurrent Manager : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33CONC-SM TNS FAILRoutine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting concurrent manager RCVOLTM with library /u03/DEV/apps/apps_st/appl/po/12.0.0/bin/RCVOLTM.
Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process.
Contact your system administra : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33
Starting PODAMGR Concurrent Manager : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33CONC-SM TNS FAIL
Cause :
Some of the libraries of FNDSM/FNDLIBR must be missing or corrupted.
Solution :
1] Shutdown all the services.
2] Log in as applmgrcd to $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql
Run the script: afdcm037.sql
3] Relink FNDSM and FNDLIBR executables as mentioned below:
$ force=y link_debug=y "fnd FNDLIBR"
$ force=y link_debug=y "fnd FNDSM"
4] Run cmclean.sql
5] Start up the Services and retest.
Refer :
Metalink note-id : 460578.1 , 555081.1
Few days back , we encountered an error while starting Concurrent Managers ;
Here is the log file [segment]
Error :
Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process. Contact your system administ : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Starting PASMGR Concurrent Manager : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Routine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting concurrent manager PASMGR with library /m03/DEV/apps/apps_st/appl/pa/12.0.0/bin/PALIBR.
Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process. Contact your system administrato : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Process monitor session ended : 18-AUG-2009 13:44:33
Process monitor session started : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33
Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_APPSDBA1_DEV. The TNS alias could not be located, the listener process on APPSDBA1 could not be contacted, or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.
Could not contact Service Manager FNDSM_APPSDBA_DEV. The TNS alias could not be located, the listener process on APPSDBA could not be contacted, or the listener failed to spawn the Service Manager process.
Starting RCVOLTM Concurrent Manager : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33CONC-SM TNS FAILRoutine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting concurrent manager RCVOLTM with library /u03/DEV/apps/apps_st/appl/po/12.0.0/bin/RCVOLTM.
Check that your system has enough resources to start a concurrent manager process.
Contact your system administra : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33
Starting PODAMGR Concurrent Manager : 18-AUG-2009 13:46:33CONC-SM TNS FAIL
Cause :
Some of the libraries of FNDSM/FNDLIBR must be missing or corrupted.
Solution :
1] Shutdown all the services.
2] Log in as applmgrcd to $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql
Run the script: afdcm037.sql
3] Relink FNDSM and FNDLIBR executables as mentioned below:
$ force=y link_debug=y "fnd FNDLIBR"
$ force=y link_debug=y "fnd FNDSM"
4] Run cmclean.sql
5] Start up the Services and retest.
Refer :
Metalink note-id : 460578.1 , 555081.1
Oracle ,database, sql , processing
[ How To ] Validate DBC file in Oracle Applications
This command will validate your DBC file , incase you encounter issues like " Database Connection Fails with Java Exception "
Cmd :
[appldev@appsdba install]$ $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jdk/jre/bin/java apps/apps STATUS DBC=$FND_SECURE/DEV.dbc
Database Server
Application Server
APPL_SERVER_ID: 6D8F64B74A528627E040E00A887E308773406321633472009781846406505215
[appldev@appsdba install]$
Other metalink note-ids which can be referred for DBC:
150475.1 Database Connection Fails with Java Exception when Running
160291.1 How to Use the AdminAppServer Utility To Delete a DBC File in
Oracle Application Object Library 11.0 & 10.7N for Windows.
144581.1 How to Use the AdminAppServer Utility To Update a DBC File in Oracle Application Object Library 11.0 & 10.7N for Unix
146402.1 How to Create a Database Connection (DBC) File From the template.dbc File
in Release 10.7N & 11
821037.1 reventing access via "/forms/frmservlet/" in Release 12.
270802.1 not updating Fnd_application_servers
168228.1 java.sql.SQLException Running
458282.1 Context Variables
353605.1 DBC File Naming Conventions for Discoverer Connections to Oracle Applications 11i and 12i
Cmd :
[appldev@appsdba install]$ $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jdk/jre/bin/java apps/apps STATUS DBC=$FND_SECURE/DEV.dbc
Database Server
Application Server
APPL_SERVER_ID: 6D8F64B74A528627E040E00A887E308773406321633472009781846406505215
[appldev@appsdba install]$
Other metalink note-ids which can be referred for DBC:
150475.1 Database Connection Fails with Java Exception when Running
160291.1 How to Use the AdminAppServer Utility To Delete a DBC File in
Oracle Application Object Library 11.0 & 10.7N for Windows.
144581.1 How to Use the AdminAppServer Utility To Update a DBC File in Oracle Application Object Library 11.0 & 10.7N for Unix
146402.1 How to Create a Database Connection (DBC) File From the template.dbc File
in Release 10.7N & 11
821037.1 reventing access via "/forms/frmservlet/" in Release 12.
270802.1 not updating Fnd_application_servers
168228.1 java.sql.SQLException Running
458282.1 Context Variables
353605.1 DBC File Naming Conventions for Discoverer Connections to Oracle Applications 11i and 12i
Thursday, August 20, 2009
[ How To] Upgrade EBS from 12.0.4 to 12.1.1
Hello All,
Recently we upgraded our current system from 12.0.4 / to 12.1.1/ .
Below is the overview of what all steps we performed.
Database Upgrade : to
A] Applying 10204 patchset 3 on existing oracle home.
1] Set the inventory in /etc/oraInst.loc .
2] unzip 6810189 patch with owner of database.
3] cd Disk1 >> ./runInstaller
4] Source the oracle home path which needs to be upgraded.
>> Post Patches [5868257 , 5386204] on upgraded home. [ using opatch]
B] Upgrade Steps
1] Login as database user. [ and sqlplus "/as sysdba"]
2] startup upgrade.
3] cd $OH/rdbms/admin
4] @catupgrd.sql
5] Run utlrp.sql for compiling invalid objects.
6] Check dba_registry for status [ must be VALID for all Components ]
7] Shutdown immediate.
8] Startup.
C] Post Steps
1] Run adgrants.sql [$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin ]
sqlplus "/as sysdba" @adgrants.sql applsys
2] Run adstats.sql [ database should be restrict mode ]
Applications Upgrade : 12.0.4 to 12.1.1
Prereq :
>> Check for Invalid objects
>> Bring down the Application.
>> Enable Maintenance Mode.
A] Upgrade OracleAS 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) to Patchset 4 ( :
1] Apply patches : 7237313, 7359933 + opatches [ review from document mentioned below]
B] Upgrade Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 JDK to Java 6.0 latest update.
Download Java SE Development Kit 6u13 (jdk-6u13-linux-i586-rpm.bin) from
C] Upgrade OracleAS 10g Release (10.1.2) for Forms and Reports to Patchset 3 (
1] Apply patch 5983622
2] Post Patches [opatch ] reviewed from Metalink note-id mentioned below.
3] Apply Interop patch 7120543 on Home
D] Apply the AD Minipack : 6767273 , 7461070
E] Apply EBS Maintenance Pack : 7303030
Follow Post steps from 752619.1
Hurray !! You have successfully upgraded your EBS from 12.0.4 to 12.1.1
Recently we upgraded our current system from 12.0.4 / to 12.1.1/ .
Below is the overview of what all steps we performed.
Database Upgrade : to
A] Applying 10204 patchset 3 on existing oracle home.
1] Set the inventory in /etc/oraInst.loc .
2] unzip 6810189 patch with owner of database.
3] cd Disk1 >> ./runInstaller
4] Source the oracle home path which needs to be upgraded.
>> Post Patches [5868257 , 5386204] on upgraded home. [ using opatch]
B] Upgrade Steps
1] Login as database user. [ and sqlplus "/as sysdba"]
2] startup upgrade.
3] cd $OH/rdbms/admin
4] @catupgrd.sql
5] Run utlrp.sql for compiling invalid objects.
6] Check dba_registry for status [ must be VALID for all Components ]
7] Shutdown immediate.
8] Startup.
C] Post Steps
1] Run adgrants.sql [$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin ]
sqlplus "/as sysdba" @adgrants.sql applsys
2] Run adstats.sql [ database should be restrict mode ]
Applications Upgrade : 12.0.4 to 12.1.1
Prereq :
>> Check for Invalid objects
>> Bring down the Application.
>> Enable Maintenance Mode.
A] Upgrade OracleAS 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) to Patchset 4 ( :
1] Apply patches : 7237313, 7359933 + opatches [ review from document mentioned below]
B] Upgrade Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 JDK to Java 6.0 latest update.
Download Java SE Development Kit 6u13 (jdk-6u13-linux-i586-rpm.bin) from
C] Upgrade OracleAS 10g Release (10.1.2) for Forms and Reports to Patchset 3 (
1] Apply patch 5983622
2] Post Patches [opatch ] reviewed from Metalink note-id mentioned below.
3] Apply Interop patch 7120543 on Home
D] Apply the AD Minipack : 6767273 , 7461070
E] Apply EBS Maintenance Pack : 7303030
Follow Post steps from 752619.1
Hurray !! You have successfully upgraded your EBS from 12.0.4 to 12.1.1
Sunday, June 28, 2009
[Issue] Concurrent Managers Not Starting With GSM Enabled
We encountered an error on our Production Instance[12.0.4], though all the services were up and running .. we could see only single process of FNDLIBR running.
When we checked the Concurrent:GSM Enabled profile option value ; it was set to "Y".
Error ::
All requests show a status as 'Inactive No Manager' .
Cause ::
The following is one possible cause for failure of concurrent managers to start:
Inability to ping the concurrent manager node after logging in as the OS user who starts the concurrent managers.
'ping' returns the following error:
ping: socket Permission denied
The application does a ping in order to check if the node is active.
If the ping fails, it adds the node as inactive. This prevents the concurrent managers from starting successfully.
Solution ::
The command 'ls -l ping' should return the following OS permissions in the directory where the ping command resides:
-r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin
If the permissions are different, issue the following command as root user:
'chmod 4555 ping'.
This will ensure that the OS user who starts the concurrent managers is able to ping successfully.
When we checked the Concurrent:GSM Enabled profile option value ; it was set to "Y".
Error ::
All requests show a status as 'Inactive No Manager' .
Cause ::
The following is one possible cause for failure of concurrent managers to start:
Inability to ping the concurrent manager node after logging in as the OS user who starts the concurrent managers.
ping: socket Permission denied
The application does a ping in order to check if the node is active.
If the ping fails, it adds the node as inactive. This prevents the concurrent managers from starting successfully.
Solution ::
The command 'ls -l ping' should return the following OS permissions in the directory where the ping command resides:
-r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin
If the permissions are different, issue the following command as root user:
'chmod 4555 ping'.
This will ensure that the OS user who starts the concurrent managers is able to ping successfully.
Refer :: Metalink note-id :311935.1
Oracle ,database, sql , processing
socket permission denied
Friday, June 26, 2009
[How To] Create FTP account on REDHAT 5(tikanga)?
Step 1) check whether the server has ftp rpm installed..
if no.. then install
MySQL-shared-compat-6.0.9-0.rhel5.i386.rpm and
Step 2) create a user (say test) on the server ..
note : the home of the user shud be other than /home/test (say /u01/test_ftp)
Step 3) Give appropriate permissions to that directory.
Step 4) vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
change the value of SELINUX=disabled
Step 5) cd /usr/sbinsetsebool -P ftp_home_dir 1 (this will set boolean permissions to the ftp home directory)
Step 6) cd /etc/vsftpdservice vsftpd start (this will start the ftp service on your service)
Step 7) Open command prompt on windows
ftp [IP address / Hostname ]
put username and password
and you are through !!
Note:: Change the settings using vsftpd.conf file..
Hurray !!
if no.. then install
MySQL-shared-compat-6.0.9-0.rhel5.i386.rpm and
Step 2) create a user (say test) on the server ..
note : the home of the user shud be other than /home/test (say /u01/test_ftp)
Step 3) Give appropriate permissions to that directory.
Step 4) vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
change the value of SELINUX=disabled
Step 5) cd /usr/sbinsetsebool -P ftp_home_dir 1 (this will set boolean permissions to the ftp home directory)
Step 6) cd /etc/vsftpdservice vsftpd start (this will start the ftp service on your service)
Step 7) Open command prompt on windows
ftp [IP address / Hostname ]
put username and password
and you are through !!
Note:: Change the settings using vsftpd.conf file..
Hurray !!
[Issue] Web ADI Configuration Error
After enabling the Web ADI responsibility in Oracle applications , user encountered an error while accessing the web-adi page:
Error ::
Web ADI Configuration Error.
Cause ::
WebADI is not properly setup.
Solution ::
- Perform the following steps to validate the webADI configuration.
1. Check the values of the following profile option . [with Full Path]
BNE Server Log Level.....................Trace
BNE Server Log Path......................$BNE_TOP/log
BNE Servlet Path.........................../oa_servlets/
BNE UIX Base Path........................./OA_HTML/cabo
BNE UIX Physical Directory................$COMMON_TOP/webapps/oacore/html/cabo/
BNE Upload Import Directory..............$BNE_TOP/upload/import
BNE Upload Staging Directory.............$BNE_TOP/upload
BNE Upload Text Directory.................$BNE_TOP/upload
2. Replace $BNE_TOP and $COMMON_TOP with the actual values.
3. Ensure from back end that the following directories exist with 777 permissions.
$BNE_TOP/upload/import $BNE_TOP/upload
4. If any of the directories do not exist, create them and give 777 permissions.
5. Bounce the instance after the profile option change.
Refer : Metalink Note-Id : 549758.1
Error ::
Web ADI Configuration Error.
Cause ::
WebADI is not properly setup.
Solution ::
- Perform the following steps to validate the webADI configuration.
1. Check the values of the following profile option . [with Full Path]
BNE Server Log Level.....................Trace
BNE Server Log Path......................$BNE_TOP/log
BNE Servlet Path.........................../oa_servlets/
BNE UIX Base Path........................./OA_HTML/cabo
BNE UIX Physical Directory................$COMMON_TOP/webapps/oacore/html/cabo/
BNE Upload Import Directory..............$BNE_TOP/upload/import
BNE Upload Staging Directory.............$BNE_TOP/upload
BNE Upload Text Directory.................$BNE_TOP/upload
2. Replace $BNE_TOP and $COMMON_TOP with the actual values.
3. Ensure from back end that the following directories exist with 777 permissions.
$BNE_TOP/upload/import $BNE_TOP/upload
4. If any of the directories do not exist, create them and give 777 permissions.
5. Bounce the instance after the profile option change.
Refer : Metalink Note-Id : 549758.1
[Issue] FRM 92101 Error while launching the forms in R12
Hello All ,
Few days back , we installed RHEL5[tikanga] on one of the servers.
After successfully cloning the R12 [12.0.4] , we encountered an error during launching the forms.
Error ::
FRM -92101 :There was a failure in the Forms Server during startup. This could happen due to invalid configuration. Please look into the web-server log file for details.
Cause ::
Mandatory RPMS were missing on RHEL5 (tikanga).
Solution ::
Install/check the below mentioned rpms on the box;
The following i386 packages must be installed from the OEL 5 or RHEL 5 distribution media:
Refer :: Metalink note-id : 402310.1
Few days back , we installed RHEL5[tikanga] on one of the servers.
After successfully cloning the R12 [12.0.4] , we encountered an error during launching the forms.
Error ::
FRM -92101 :There was a failure in the Forms Server during startup. This could happen due to invalid configuration. Please look into the web-server log file for details.
Cause ::
Mandatory RPMS were missing on RHEL5 (tikanga).
Solution ::
Install/check the below mentioned rpms on the box;
The following i386 packages must be installed from the OEL 5 or RHEL 5 distribution media:
Refer :: Metalink note-id : 402310.1
Sunday, June 14, 2009
[Issue] Error while starting OPMN Services ,Discoverer
We successfully upgraded the Infra Home to
But we faced an error while starting the opmn services :
Error :
[oraclebi@agi bin]$ ./opmnctl startall
Internal error message 684 could not be found in the msb file
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
Cause :
With regard to applying a patchset, the issue is caused due to a mismatch of the OPMN MSB filesThis error message will occur any time that the OPMN NLS message files do not match the binaries with which they are associated. Since the 10g database uses OPMN as well, a patch from the database has caused this issue. The database MSB files do not match the OPMN MSB files shipped with the Application Server.
Solution :
replace ur INFRA_HOME/opmn/mesg file with ur backuped files.
replace these files from backup :
# ensus.msb
# opmus.msb
Final output :
[oraclebi@agi bin]$ ./opmnctl startall
opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes...
[oraclebi@agi bin]
Refer Metalink Note-ID:: 306705.1
But we faced an error while starting the opmn services :
Error :
[oraclebi@agi bin]$ ./opmnctl startall
Internal error message 684 could not be found in the msb file
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
Cause :
With regard to applying a patchset, the issue is caused due to a mismatch of the OPMN MSB filesThis error message will occur any time that the OPMN NLS message files do not match the binaries with which they are associated. Since the 10g database uses OPMN as well, a patch from the database has caused this issue. The database MSB files do not match the OPMN MSB files shipped with the Application Server.
Solution :
replace ur INFRA_HOME/opmn/mesg file with ur backuped files.
replace these files from backup :
# ensus.msb
# opmus.msb
Final output :
[oraclebi@agi bin]$ ./opmnctl startall
opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes...
[oraclebi@agi bin]
Refer Metalink Note-ID:: 306705.1
Saturday, June 13, 2009
[Issue] Apache startup issue @12.0.4/RHEL5
After installing the RHEL5 on the box ,we cloned an R12 [12.0.4] instance on the same box.
> Copy the to /usr/lib with super user as owner ;also change the permissions accordingly.
> Bring up all the services.
> After successful cloning of 12.0.4 on RHEL5 , we found out that all the services are up and running except the HTTP/Apache.
Cause :
> is missing in /usr/lib directory
Solution :
> Bring down all the application services.
> Download the patch 6078836 :RH5.0 / OEL5.0 CERT : SPECIAL LIBRARY NEEDED TO RUN OHS ON REDHAT5
> After successful cloning of 12.0.4 on RHEL5 , we found out that all the services are up and running except the HTTP/Apache.
Cause :
> is missing in /usr/lib directory
Solution :
> Bring down all the application services.
> Download the patch 6078836 :RH5.0 / OEL5.0 CERT : SPECIAL LIBRARY NEEDED TO RUN OHS ON REDHAT5
MACHINE (Linux x86) from metalink.
> Copy the to /usr/lib with super user as owner ;also change the permissions accordingly.
> Bring up all the services.
[ How To ] Reset the oc4jadmin password in R12
Step 1 : Login as Application User
Step 2 : cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/ /wbr>/wbr>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>config
Step 3 : cp -rp system-jazn-data.xml system-jazn-data.xml_orig
Step 4 : vi system-jazn-data.xml
Step 5 : edit the following section ::
>> the credentials part with "!" sign followed with the password
------------------------------ /wbr>/wbr>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>------------------------------ /wbr>/wbr>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>------------------------------ /wbr>/wbr>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>-------------
[display-name]OC4J Administrator[/display-name]
[description]OC4J Administrator[/description]
------------------------------ /wbr>/wbr>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>------------------------------ /wbr>/wbr>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>------------------------------ /wbr>/wbr>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/wbr>/>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>>/>---------------
Save this file...
and restart your OPMN Services
Refer : Metalink note-id :: 576587.1
Friday, June 12, 2009
[Read Me] Useful Metalink Note-ids
1) Cloning :
406982.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone.
230672.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone.
458450.1 Steps to Manually Clone a Database.
603104.1 Troubleshooting RapidClone issues with Oracle Applications R12.
406982.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone.
230672.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone.
458450.1 Steps to Manually Clone a Database.
603104.1 Troubleshooting RapidClone issues with Oracle Applications R12.
[Issue] Unable to Start OPMN Managed Process
Our Linux Server rebooted due to some unknown reason...
We encountered an error while bringing up the Infra[Middle Tier] and Discoverer OPMN services.
Error ::
Cause :
On being restarted after a failure, OPMN uses information in the ${ORACLE_HOME}/opmn/logs/states directory to attempt recovery. From the various files in the "states" directory it determines if a process ID (PID) of a processes it was managing before the abnormal exit is still running.
If such a process is found, OPMN will first attempt to reconnect to the process and determine it's condition (with an appropriate OPMN "ping" message).
In the event a managed process cannot be contacted it will attempt to terminate the process (first gracefully and then using "kill -9") and restart it.
In rare cases following a restart, it is possible that by pure chance:
1. a process exists which matches the PID of a previously managaged OPMN process(ie a current PID matches one listed in a file within the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/states directory).
2. the process running with this PID is NOT an OPMN managed process nor owned by the operating system account that was used to install Application Server and which governs the permissions of the current OPMN process.As a result OPMN cannot communicate meaningfully with the OPMN managed process.
Solution :
1. Fully stop opmn and all oc4j instances.
2. At this point there will be no oc4j managed processes running, so there should be need for no files in $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/states directory, so it should be safe to remove these.
3. For safety, rename the current $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/states directory and create a new empty states directory in it's place:
% cd $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs
% mv states states.old
% mkdir states
4. Restart OPMN and the desired OPMN managed processes:
% opmnctl start
% opmnctl startproc process-type=OID
% opmnctl startproc process-type=HTTP_Server
% opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J_SECURITY
5. Confirm that all processes have started correctly using "opmnctl status -l"
The OC4J process should have a status of "Alive" and it's port section should show valid ports for ajp, rmi and jms.After confirming all processes have started and validating that the functionality of all opmn managed processes, the "states.old" directory can then be removed.
Refer Metalink note-id : 331969.1 [Unable to Start OPMN Managed Process]
We encountered an error while bringing up the Infra[Middle Tier] and Discoverer OPMN services.
Error ::
Cause :
On being restarted after a failure, OPMN uses information in the ${ORACLE_HOME}/opmn/logs/states directory to attempt recovery. From the various files in the "states" directory it determines if a process ID (PID) of a processes it was managing before the abnormal exit is still running.
If such a process is found, OPMN will first attempt to reconnect to the process and determine it's condition (with an appropriate OPMN "ping" message).
In the event a managed process cannot be contacted it will attempt to terminate the process (first gracefully and then using "kill -9") and restart it.
In rare cases following a restart, it is possible that by pure chance:
1. a process exists which matches the PID of a previously managaged OPMN process(ie a current PID matches one listed in a file within the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/states directory).
2. the process running with this PID is NOT an OPMN managed process nor owned by the operating system account that was used to install Application Server and which governs the permissions of the current OPMN process.As a result OPMN cannot communicate meaningfully with the OPMN managed process.
Solution :
1. Fully stop opmn and all oc4j instances.
2. At this point there will be no oc4j managed processes running, so there should be need for no files in $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/states directory, so it should be safe to remove these.
3. For safety, rename the current $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/states directory and create a new empty states directory in it's place:
% cd $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs
% mv states states.old
% mkdir states
4. Restart OPMN and the desired OPMN managed processes:
% opmnctl start
% opmnctl startproc process-type=OID
% opmnctl startproc process-type=HTTP_Server
% opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J_SECURITY
5. Confirm that all processes have started correctly using "opmnctl status -l"
The OC4J process should have a status of "Alive" and it's port section should show valid ports for ajp, rmi and jms.After confirming all processes have started and validating that the functionality of all opmn managed processes, the "states.old" directory can then be removed.
Refer Metalink note-id : 331969.1 [Unable to Start OPMN Managed Process]
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