Friday, June 26, 2009

[How To] Create FTP account on REDHAT 5(tikanga)?

Step 1) check whether the server has ftp rpm installed..
if no.. then install
MySQL-shared-compat-6.0.9-0.rhel5.i386.rpm and

Step 2) create a user (say test) on the server ..
note : the home of the user shud be other than /home/test (say /u01/test_ftp)

Step 3) Give appropriate permissions to that directory.

Step 4) vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
change the value of SELINUX=disabled

Step 5) cd /usr/sbinsetsebool -P ftp_home_dir 1 (this will set boolean permissions to the ftp home directory)

Step 6) cd /etc/vsftpdservice vsftpd start (this will start the ftp service on your service)

Step 7) Open command prompt on windows
ftp [IP address / Hostname ]

put username and password
and you are through !!

Note:: Change the settings using vsftpd.conf file..

Hurray !!